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The Road to Self Love

Dec 31, 2019

This week on the road, I'm having a lovely chat with the queen of the thrones Dr. Marisol. We talk about the digestive system and how to make it function correctly, what the color of your poop tells you about your gut health, and how your emotions affect your body.
Connect with Dr. Marisol on Instagram:

Dec 24, 2019

Today I'm chatting with Danika Brysha, wellness entrepreneur, body-positive fashion model, and founder of @modelmeals, a healthy food delivery service. During our ride, Danika shares her story about how she achieved the career of her dreams and started her own business after surrendering to the universe and learning how...

Dec 17, 2019

Today on the show I'm joined by relationship expert and coach, Stefanos Sifandos. He's come a long way since he started to speak his truth, stopped being a people pleaser, and understood that life is meant for him rather than happening to him.
In this episode, we dive deep into the importance of setting healthy...

Dec 10, 2019

This week on the road I'm joined by self-love advocate and body positivity warrior, Kayla Logan. In this episode, Kayla shares her self-acceptance journey and how she's built an empowered community by posing at iconic places in her underwear and showing how one can feel most powerful at one's most vulnerable moments.

Dec 3, 2019

This week I'm joined by Janne Robinson a poet, women's empowerment coach and human fully aligned in her truth. Take a journey with us as we speak candidly about money, Janne's journey from living someone else's dreams to stepping into her own, and why writing about trauma is so important. Oh and you know we wrote a poem...