Apr 29, 2021
Oh hey, Self Lovers!
We love a solocast moment, and this time I am giving you a sneak peak into what a group call looks like when you join my program. I outline what to expect from working with me and what you may experience while you enter into this new phase of your relationship with yourself.
You are worthy of the...
Apr 27, 2021
Happy Tuesday, Self Lover!
Today I am sharing my conversation with my very accomplished friend, Sarah Pendrick! Sarah is a light, an author, and the creator of the incredible online community for women, Girl Talk Network.
Sarah has wonderful nuggets to share about everything from self care, familial bullying, and how to...
Apr 22, 2021
Oh hey Self Lovers! It's a solocast moment and I hope you are ready to literally go on a wild ride of goal setting, why it's important to let yourself evolve and change PLUS I play the song writing game solo (kind of)
DM me and let me know how you are feeling @paulfishman on Instagram
Apr 20, 2021
Hey there, Self Lover!
I’m not entirely sure you guys are ready for this week’s guest, but I’m bringing her to you anyway!
Meet Bryche Abawi, the CEO and Founder of MyElle – the vaginal rejuvenation wand, aka the Coochie Lightsaber.
I have known Bryche since back in my spin days, and I have enjoyed watching her...
Apr 13, 2021
Salutations, Self Lover!
I’m taking a moment during my amazing trip filming my show to bring you this delicious episode with the very enchanting Ms. Chrissy Ajisafe!
Chrissy is a Nigerian-born London native who loves to remind people of their worth and help them on their journey to trust their body by breaking down...