Jun 15, 2021
Oh hey, Self Lover! How’s it going?
This week I have thrown us back to the archives and I am resharing this beautiful episode that I did with Ben Wallace early last year.
Ben is transgender, but he is so much more than his gender identity. I love this episode so much, and I feel like I take something new away from it every time I listen.
I felt called to reshare this episode under a different title because I thought the message about loving your body was so important. The last time this episode was released, it was under the title “Trans is Beautiful”.
Please note that the Instagram handle for Ben mentioned in this episode has been updated – it is now @bennett_wallace
(4:00) Ben’s Origins
(10:00) Advice for Parents of Trans Children
(17:10) Getting to Know Yourself
(30:00) Ben’s Body Breakthrough
Apply for my new program, Proud to Love Myself!
Connect with Ben on Instagram or through his Website
Paul’s Instagram: @PaulFishman
Paul’s Website: PaulFishman.Love
For free weekly self love mantras and texts, send “self love” to 619-202-8353
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